MHdiaries is a literary guide on how to construct posts in a diary. It is not a functional diary application in of itself. That being the case, these instructions assume posts will be made to word processing documents. Pen and paper, as well as, commercially available diary programs are viable alternatives. However, since the objective is to get you started immediately without delay and with minimal setup, wp is the medium of choice.
To summarize, MHdiaries Instructions guide you to:
make a list of goals and important people in your life;
capture ideas, observations and inspirations as they occur; text in a master diary file or pen and paper journal; voice and video recordings to your cell phone;
during quiet moments,
revisit original posts to fill in the blanks and encapsulate the purpose of the post;
revisit and revise your lists of goals and important people;
transcribe, describe or reference any voice or video recordings to text in your master diary;
label any posts which relate to goals or people identified with hashtags of your choice such as: #president, #health, #retire, #Brenda or #Thomas;
as hash tagged goals start to build in number indicating that progress is being made, create secondary diary files appropriately named;
expand tasks during quiet-moment-revisions to include:
copying posts with hash-tagged goals to associated secondary files leaving originals intact in the master diary file;
evaluate and edit posts in secondary goal files based on:
Creative Writing General Guidelines;
Notable Elements of Storytelling including: setting, point of view, style, theme, tone, symbols, characterization and plot and expand hashtag labelling accordingly such as: #characterization, #plot, #setting, #POV, #symbols, #hero, #mentor, #herald, #ally, #normal_world, #call_to_adventure, #consult_mentors, etc.
fill in relevant information and time gaps in emerging storylines by inserting new postdated entries.
original entries continue to be posted in the master diary file first.
Please appreciate that the incorporation of Steps 3 & 4 into a regular routine is a significant achievement unto itself. By doing so, you are laying the foundation and invaluable future reference for your memoirs. Steps 5 and beyond offer guidance to introduce plot and purpose to diary entries to elevate and transform your Step 3 & 4 memoirs into your heroic tale(s).
Please read through every instruction step
completely before proceeding with the first.
Diary Options – Many available diary apps provide alternatives to using WP. For a list of possibilities, try searching 'free journaling app' on your chosen browser.
Backup – Make a habit of backing up daily. Creativity and inspiration are next to impossible to recreate from scratch. The loss of a file, a laptop or a cell phone has the potential to frustrate you to the point of abandoning your interest in a diary altogether.
Just as the purpose of original posts determine if they should be copied to appropriate secondary files based on their relation to your goals and aspirations, other themed files outside of the realms of MHdiaries are possible. Examples include: historical, creative, whimsy, genealogy, health, dreams, ideas and miscellaneous.